Technology sucks sometimes

Well, I haven’t posted in a while.

I have been having problems with the computer. It was one of those things where I kept getting the BSD (Blue screen of Death) at different times with no clear cut indication of where the problem was.

Being as stubborn as I am, there was no way I was going to let this thing beat me.

I uninstalled software, re-installed it, tested, downloaded utility programs, messed around with configurations all to no avail.

Finally, with the help of Blagger and Dog, I found the problem.

The problem ended up being that one of my 1gb ram chips was bad. I have 3gb of ram in this machine. I pulled them all out and put them in one at a time (advice from Dog) and found that one of them was bad. Blagger pointed me in the right direction, Dog helped me with the troubleshooting process.

So, I can now get back to it.

As far as Poker goes, I played a little Friday night. Those of you on Skype with me will know it was a challenge for me to even play. My 22 year old daughter had some friends over who proceeded to have a great LOUD time at my house.

I did my best but when I can’t concentrate on the game, I shouldn’t even play. You loose too many insights and tells by not paying attention which will cost you money.

I would be playing today but I have to leave in a few minutes to go to a Wake. I really hate going to those things but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Maybe later today I will be back and be able to play a little.

So, until then, a heartfelt thanks to Blagger and Dog for the help and good luck at the tables.

One Response to “Technology sucks sometimes”

  1. PinkDog Says:

    Yea sure,

    We all know ya just been away fishing and I guess ya got pulled overboard and drown by some rogue lunker.

    Hope not but we ain’t heard from ya or the old lady telling us you was a goner.

    Keep a tight line and don’t be afraid to set the hook.

    Later Bro

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